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Digital Transformation Takes the Right Partner


Ultramain Systems is dedicated to developing products that bring innovation to the aviation industry. Our mature and highly configurable software suite focuses on optimizing efficiency, fostering cost reduction, and improving compliance. With over 15 years of paperless implementations, our team has extensive industry experience and knowledge to guide your digital transformation project

Your Next Generation System


With over four decades of experience serving aviation customers, Ultramain Systems is your trusted partner for industry-leading M&E, MRO, CAMO, and Electronic Logbook (ELB) software solutions. In the fast-paced and dynamic landscape of the aviation industry, embracing efficiency is not just a choice but a necessity. Ultramain Systems offers cutting-edge mobile software solutions designed to meet the complex needs of our customers.

Digital MRO Solutions


At the core of our offerings, is ULTRAMAIN® v9™, a comprehensive solution designed to facilitate end-to-end paperless transactions, from the cockpit to the ground, with solutions covering the aircraft logbook, line and base maintenance operations, and MRO operations. As a trusted provider, we have a proven track record of helping our customers transition seamlessly into the digital era, eliminating paper-based workflows. ULTRAMAIN v9 is your mature and highly configurable solution for navigating the complexities of aviation management.